Cristina Fernandez Interview for Grow & Glow

Hi Cristina.
I'm so happy! I'm glad to have you here. we're at Chia's Silver Lining Boutique. Welcome everybody. Thank you for joining us. I'm excited because last week we launched our blog with Cristina Fernandez, and I would like for her to tell us a little bit about herself because we've got some great and exciting news that we want to present live. If you haven't already been watching everything going on. So, thank you for being here and tell us a little bit about yourself.
Okay well thank you so much for the warm welcome. I'm so glad to be here with you. It's always a pleasure and like you said my Blog just launched last week and I'll introduce myself. My name is Christina I was born and raised here in El Paso. Most of my education was here. I went to college in Houston. I got a Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and Food Science. I'm Also a Triathlon Coach. I'm very passionate about wellness, nutrition, and sports, so on the side I do Ironman Triathlons and so that's basically, that’s a little bit about me.
Okay, that's a lot about you! I'm excited because I know that passion resonates in all of this, and you are passionate, and we're so blessed to have you! So, tell us a little bit about how you heard about us and then how you jumped on board to kind of engage in what we started last year with our partnership with the Mighty Mujeres Triathlon.
All right, so, you and I met what was it like two years ago and we were connected through my sister.
Actually, yes.
I think that the first day we met we just connected, right? We had a vision.
It was bigger than us, but that's okay.
After talking we both realized that we had the same mission and ambition to motivate women to empower themselves through wellness.
Right, absolutely.
That's how we came up with the plan to train women who were either battling cancer or who had survived cancer and trained them to do a triathlon something that they had never done right and thankfully here locally there is the Mighty Mujeres Triathlon, which is just for women and so, we trained them to do the Mighty Mujeres Triathlon.
And so our journey with the women was super exciting.
I think that was what motivated us and, you know, maybe inspired us to do what we're about to share.
I don't think everybody knows, but we literally selected five of the most amazing women I think in the city that had never even basically seen a bicycle, swam in a pool or even ran half a mile. I would venture to say.
Right, I think they didn't even know that Triathlons existed and so, it was a whole journey I mean from when we met the ladies, yes, you know, to when they crossed the finish line. We saw, their, you know, their lives, just changed in so many different ways and that was very inspiring for us as well.
Yes, because it makes you realize too that despite cancer, I think everybody in their lives has some kind of a challenge or something debilitating that sometimes we don't tend to cross the finish line to find our wellness
And I think it taught us a lesson, right?
Right, I mean we saw a lot of obstacles through the journey and then COVID happened.
COVID on top of it!
But that wasn't going to stop us.
No, we just climbed the wall and we figured out how to continue training them and then July of last year we saw them cross the finish line, so that was very inspiring.
Yes, it was and so hence we are now here launching for the first time ever. I'm proud to tell everybody we have a program called Glow and Grow or Grow & Glow of course because that is the new journey that we have learned through this experience that we would like to bring to the city of El Paso for at least 20 women that are willing to take this challenge of a total healing and wellness to their lives it's a life changing experience.
Completely life changing.
But I'm really excited because the team that we have behind this program is phenomenal starting with Christina who is designing the whole entire program for us! Tell us a little bit more about what we can expect as people submit their entries and want to become part of this journey for Grow & Glow.
Right, so, like Chia said, whoever is interested can submit their applications, basically, we want to see your story. You know, and what is behind you and what are you seeking with this project Grow & Glow is designed like it says to help you glow from the inside to radiate outside and grow in so many different ways within, you know, the wellness aspect and so, I mean you are, you will, go through, you know, life-changing experience to through yoga, exercise, boot camps, meditation, and we will have public speakers. Like doctors who will talk about, you know, nutrition women and everything that, you know, that supports the women. And one of the big aspects of this project will be your nutrition as well and so there will be guided nutrition consultations throughout the program.
Right, and you can also expect to see some of the wonderful hikes in the city, some great cycling tours, I believe, and so, it's going to be a great experience for a lot of people. I think that's what we saw as we have created this program that we saw all these women truly began to conquer all of their obstacles and they began to radiate and glow. I love how you said that. They really, we saw that life-changing experience.
So, we would love to give that back to our city. And when I say “Give that Back” that is truly what we are doing. This is 100% sponsored by our sponsors we have a great list of sponsors. Thank you to all of our sponsors!
Thank you!
That we can make this happen for 20 women in this city and I'm excited because I'm because you know a cancer survivor and really founding my journey the importance of my nutrition my education through this whole process and wellness and exercise, so we're really excited to be able to offer this experience to 20 women in this city so I I'm excited
Me too
I can't thank you enough for doing this. So, thank you! Having a piece of you in your heart and passion in this whole project is so exciting!
I'm very excited too.
Yes, so call to action we are asking you to go on to and apply we have a form that you can download and submit. We will take them until July, I believe till the beginning of July, we'll take applications and so if you have any questions, you can also call us. Our phone number is on our website You can also come into our Boutique here at Chia Silver Lining at 5664 North Mesa and you can get information here as well.
Also, they can contact us through Facebook or Instagram as well.
Absolutely, yeah so, we're excited! Thank you for joining us. Thank you for being here.
Thank you thank you so much.
Come on we're excited!
We can't wait to see you!
Bye, thank you!
to learn more about Grow & Glow or to submit an online application click here.