Chia's Silver Lining - Nonprofit
Chia’s Silver Lining is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization
Welcome to Chia's Silver Lining, an online cancer support whose mission is to encourage and support those going through cancer or other challenging illnesses.

Background About Chia's Silver Lining
Chia’s Silver Lining is a solution I developed based on my cancer story – a story that is unfortunately, all too common. My name is Chia Wollschlager. Shortly after I turned 40, I was diagnosed with breast cancer – no genetic tie, just as a finding at my first mammogram. Like every other person delivered a major diagnosis, I was not in a good place in my life to tackle this new life obstacle: I was a newly single mother who was trying to run and grow a small event planning business… until my journey with cancer began.
Throughout my diagnosis and treatment journey, I became aware of various glaring gaps in the cancer experience. While cancer medical treatments and outcomes varies widely from patient to patient, the cancer experience itself is universally overwhelming, cold and scary. Not only does the patient have become a mini-expert on myriad medical issues, he or she must also emotionally cope with the diagnosis, deal with the emotions of those around him/her, navigate the selection of medical providers and treatment locations, determine how to finance the medical care as well as the “medical tourism” expenses – or all the costs associated with obtaining treatment non-locally, which many patients must do… all while feeling isolated, anxious and frightened. Sadly, the stress caused by major diagnoses such as cancer also has a significant negative impact on health and wellness, confounding the healing process.
In response, I launched Chia’s Silver Lining to address the non-medical gaps by providing an online platform, creating a community for cancer patients, survivors and their loved ones to interact, receive valuable information and access cancer-centric products. Through this on-line platform, friends and family will have a mechanism to more effectively show their love, compassion and support. This community is offered alongside traditional medical care to address the rest of the human needs that are often forgotten about in cancer patients – the heart, soul and mind. Chia’s Silver Lining’s offerings include meet-ups, an on-line information sharing platform, and an on-line store with products and services curated specifically for cancer patients and those around them.
About Here & Now
Here & Now is the meet-up component of Chia’s Silver Lining. The mission of these events is to gather cancer patients and their loved ones in appropriate groupings to promote information sharing and create a community of healing and comfort. The monthly evening events will be hosted by business also vested in this healing journey ranging. Each meet-up will represent a different theme of education and wellness with guest speakers, presentations, activities. Patients, survivors and their loved ones will also have the opportunity to share their story in a healing manner. Give-aways will be provided to each attendee, and food and refreshments will be provided.