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Health and wellness store for cancer patients, caregivers, and people who seek healing beyond traditional medicine.

2021 Cancer Health & Wellness Conferences

Join us July 24th, 2021, From 10:00am-2:00pm (MST) for our FREE!

2021 Cancer Health & Wellness Conferences

 5664 N. Mesa Suite B. | El Paso, TX 79912

The 2021 Cancer Health & Wellness Conferences will provide attendees with the knowledge and support to be the BOSS over cancer!

Who should attend?

Individuals diagnosed with cancer, caregivers, health care professionals, & advocates

*Snacks & Beverages will be provided
10:00-10:30 MT Using Social Media to tell your BEST story
11:00 -11:45 MT Tips for Effective Communication and Eating Healthy on the Job
12:00 –1:00 MT Live streaming Nutrition and Healthy Cooking
1:00- 2:00 MT Networking


 Sponsorship Partner Rio Grande Cancer Foundation