What is Aromatherapy?

What is Aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils in order to ease the symptoms from common ailments. Essential Oils are extracted from plants and never mixed with any other chemicals or fragrances. The essential oil must maintain the integrity of the original plant. Many common essential oils are lemon, lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree, chamomile, peppermint and bergamot.
Why Should I Use Aromatherapy?
These oils have components that are found to be pleasing to humans. Experts believe that smell receptors in your nose will send messages through your nervous system to the brain. In the brain, areas like the hypothalamus or limbic system will be activated. These areas control emotions and create serotonin which makes us feel good. Essential oils are either inhaled, placed on the skin or sometimes ingested, but only under the advice of a health care professional. Using aromatherapy oils on your skin can help ease pain in muscles or joints. Diffusing oils in an electronic essential oil diffuser or bracelet is another way to enjoy the essential oils without placing them directly on your skin.
Aromatherapy can be traced back as far as 3500 BC. The Egyptians burned aromatic wood for many reasons including because they believed it would drive evil spirits from sick people. In China a book called, “Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine” is the oldest surviving medical book which discusses the use of over 300 plants for medicinal purposes. Even Hippocrates used herbs to help treat illnesses. Before there were traditional medicines, your ancestors only had the naturally growing herbs, flowers, and plants around them to use for medicine.
Although aromatherapy should not be used to “replace” traditional medicine, it can be used as a complementary therapy to your mainstream healthcare practices. Many ailments treated by aromatherapy include:
- Side Effects of Cancer Treatment like Nausea – Tummy Aide Essential Oil Roll On Blend
- Head aches - Head Ache Essential Oil Blend
- Congestion - Eucalyptus
- Improving Sleep - Sleep Aide Essential Oil Blend
- Relaxation – Relax Bath Tub Tea
- Stress and Anxiety - Stress Relief Essential Oil Blend
- Fighting Bacteria – Defense Essential Oil Blend
- Healing - Healing Bath Tub Tea
Aromatherapy is usually safe. Again, all natural ingredients are used, but you should stay away from any allergens. A possible side effect may be that your skin, eyes, or nose could become irritated or have a small allergic reaction.
The best thing to do is to work with your doctor or an aromatherapist to find the essential oils that will be best for you and the conditions that you are trying to treat.
Aromatherapy Oils are Not FDA Regulated
Lastly, remember that aromatherapy oils are NOT regulated by the FDA. Beware of words like “Therapeutic Grade”. This is just a marketing term. The most respected authority on aromatherapy is the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) and they say that there is no grading of essential oils in existence.
We carry rareESSENCE aromatherapy oils are of the highest quality and purity because they have relationships with their growers and distillers so that they can ensure exactly where each oil comes from with full trace-ability. Additionally, rareESSENCE verifies with 3rd party scientific lab testing. This allows them to offer an incredibly pure, high-quality selection of organic and wild-crafted essential oils blends.
At Chia’s Silver Lining, we research any product we offer to make sure that it meets our quality standards and product mission to bring you or your loved one items that will bring comfort and support on your journey to wellness.
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