Mighty Mujer - Cancer Survivors Completed Triathlon

The Mighty Mujer Story
The Mighty Mujer Triathlon in El Paso is an all-female event. The course begins with a 300 yard swim in a 25 yard pool, then takes athletes on a challenging and rewarding bike route and run course.
Five cancer patients and survivors were selected to train and compete in the 2020 Mighty Mujer with Chia's Silver Lining.
Cristina Fernandez (USA Triathlon Coach & Nutritionist) trained the chosen women for six months before the event. Winners received all the supplies and gear they needed to participate.
Chia explained, "Just because we had cancer doesn't mean we need to shut up and die. Maybe we can push further and to make ourselves better and even in more ways than we even knew possible".
An amazing five ladies bonded through the training and finished the race. Their story gives hope and encouragement to cancer patients.