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Health and wellness store for cancer patients, caregivers, and people who seek healing beyond traditional medicine.

Education is Power: Take Control and Heal

Our founder, Chia was diagnosed with breast cancer at her first mammogram when she was 40 years old. Throughout her diagnosis and treatment journey, she became aware of various glaring gaps in the cancer experience. She came to realize that while cancer medical treatments and outcomes vary widely from patient to patient, the cancer experience itself is universally overwhelming, cold and scary for everyone.  Not only does the patient have to become a mini-expert on myriad of medical issues, he or she must also emotionally cope with the diagnosis, deal with the emotions of family and friends, navigate the selection of medical providers and treatment locations, determine how to finance the medical care or possibly “medical tourism” expenses (the costs associated with obtaining treatment non-locally) which many patients must do… all while feeling isolated, anxious and frightened.  Sadly, the stress caused by a major diagnosis, such as cancer, also has a significant negative impact on health and wellness thus further confounding the healing process. Chia had to educate herself and knew that she wanted to share her experience and new found expertise by creating Chia's Silver Lining.

At Chia's Silver Lining we believe that education is the best way to take control of your fear so that you can heal.  Sitting in doctor's offices tying to adsorb difficult news with unknown terms and more especially unknown outcomes is confusing and frightening. Then we get home and we start googling. There is a host of information out there to read and consider and you should, however, be aware of where you are going to find that information.  Make sure that your sources are reliable. Chia's Silver Lining offers a reliable list of resources here.

Support from others who have been in your similar circumstance is also vitally important. Chia's Silver Lining offers Meet-Ups to provide a social platform for cancer patients and survivors.  The mission of these events is to promote information sharing and create a community of healing and comfort. Each Meet-Up will represent a different theme of education and wellness with guest speakers, presentations and activities.  Always remember that each of you are unique.  Your cancer journey will not be like anyone else.  Many factors will come into play while you progress through treatment.  Things like treatment options, you own state of health, your doctor and his/her recommended treatment, family history, where you are in your cancer journey and your diet. The Chia's Silver Lining Community is offered alongside traditional medical care to address the rest of the human needs that are often forgotten about in cancer patients – the heart, soul and mind. 

Additionally, we are looking forward to offering the first Cancer and Careers Conference in our area. This 2 day educational programming will empower and educated cancer patients/survivors in the work place by providing expert advice, interactive tools and educational events. 

No matter where you are in your cancer journey please know that Chia's Silver Lining is with you.  We want to help you, support you, be a resource for you and celebrate your recovery with you!  Even in the darkest times, there is always a silver lining.